
(ts) Deep-Dick Pizza

Who does not love a good, high-quality, delicious pizza, right?! Right! This is one of the most favorite snacks all around the world and even though you might not like the Italians themselves, you have to admire them at least a little bit for coming up with this queen of snacks that can be served on pretty much any occasion for both the young and the adults. We loved this delicious piece of tasty dough with sauce so much that we have decided to turn it into our latest anal TS VR porn scene – the transsexual virtual reality porn fantasy that will make you love pizza even more, as today you are going to be thanked for it by one of the hottest blonde Shemale VR porn stars. The Deep-Dick Pizza – as this is the name of our latest TS VR porn movie – should be quite self-explanatory on its own, but, just for your convenience, we will now tell you a little something about this newest transsexual VR porn experience. Inside of it, the aforementioned golden-haired Trans goddess of Amber Violett has gotten a little hungry, so she has decided to order herself a good, hot pizza – and you are becoming a delivery guy who has been assigned to her place. Even though the girl is beautiful, she does not have any money to pay you for the snack – and since inside of this bareback TS VR porn fantasy you are going to be a starting pizza guy, you can’t afford not getting paid and have to at least get something from her. So… what would you say for her tight ass as a payment for your work? We are more than sure that you will be happy to accept that barter – just wear your VR headset and make it happen as soon as possible on VRBTrans.com!